Invisalign is a modern and easy way to fix alignment issues with your smile and give yourself a confidence boost. Visit Brampton Dental Studio today to improve your smile!
If you're already self-conscious about your smile, traditional braces that may attract more attention to your teeth may have held you back from improving your smile... that is until now!
Brampton Dental Studio is pleased to offer Invisalign as an alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign is a series of custom-fitted, removable trays that progressively straighten, align and improve your smile. The Invisalign aligners are made of clear plastic and are therefore virtually unnoticeable to those around you.
Although the most common use of Invisalign is to straighten teeth, there are a few other issues it can fix such as reducing gaps between teeth, crowding, overbites, and crossbites.
If you are thinking of getting an Invisalign treatment, set up a consultation appointment with our Brampton cosmetic dentists. We will ask you about your goals, design a treatment plan with you, and take impressions of your teeth using our iTero scanner.
During the treatment, you will need to replace the custom-fit plastic aligners every 2 weeks and visit our Brampton dental office every 6 weeks to monitor progress.
Contact us today for a consultation with our Brampton cosmetic dentists to see if Invisalign is right for you!